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What Are You Doing?

The historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle said: ''All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads and sows itself anew.''

If the work you do isn't offering you this chance to find yourself; if its seeds aren't growing, spreading and sowing themselves anew, maybe it's time to open up your awareness and do a little dreaming.

As Walter Pater, a British essayist and critic, put it: "We need some imaginative stimulus, some not impossible ideal such as may shape vague hope and transform it into effective desire, to carry us year after year, without disgust, through the routine work which is so large a part of life.''

I think the guy was saying that we need to find the type of work that stimulates the imagination. It may be programming a computer, plowing a field, laying bricks or selling real estate. These jobs may sound boring to some people, but to others they're pathways to fulfillment.

You're familiar with the three real estate sales agents who were asked, ''What are you doing?''

The first one said, "I'm trying to sell a house."

The second said, "I'm working on getting a listing."

The third one said, ''I'm helping people realize their dream of home ownership.''

The third one is the one who gets fulfillment from his/her work.

So my question to you is: What are YOU doing?

Are you ready to leave mediocrity behind and go for greatness?

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