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Build quiet time into your work week - time to reflect on where you are, what you're doing, and

Most Salespeople don't give themselves enough time to think. The successful salespeople I've coached have found ways to build quiet time into their work week - time they use to reflect on where they are, what they're doing, and where they should be going. It's usually a good idea to find a special place where you can think about your work without being questioned or disturbed. One of my students recently tried to sit quietly in her own living room so she could think about the challenges she faced in the upcoming week, but family members, unused to her silence, kept walking in and asking what was the matter with her!

I personally enjoy working a couple of hours on Saturday mornings, when no one else is in the office, just so I can think. I come in the office, usually about 8 o'clock, do some of the paperwork that I have to do, and then think for the next hour. I don't try to write, necessarily. I go through some papers, review to-do lists, and look at schedules. This triggers my imagination and lets me reflect on the work that I'm doing. But I don't interact with other coaches, and I don't talk. I keep a pad of paper handy so I can write down notes to myself.

I believe you deserve some kind of quiet time, too. Superior salespeople make a habit of analyzing exactly what they are trying to accomplish. They take the time to immerse themselves in their game plan, reflect on that plan, and look at it from lots of different angles. They ask themselves:

[if !supportLists]· [endif]What am I doing now that's working?

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Why is it working?

[if !supportLists]· [endif]What am I doing now that's not working?

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Why isn't it working?

[if !supportLists]· [endif]What could I be doing differently?

Selling real estate is hard work. It requires persistence, and you do have to make sure you follow through. But you also have to understand what you're trying to accomplish in the first place. Top producing sales agents are not robots. They're involved in their own careers, and they make their own decisions. They follow the marketplace trends that affect them and their clients, and they make adjustments. Use your quiet time to ask yourself "what's working” questions along the lines of the ones outlined above.

We have to take the time to think through our own sales objectives. We also have to take the time to think through the past, present, and future of our prospects and customers. By spending some quiet time with yourself every week, you'll be in a better position to do more of that which does work, and stop doing that which doesn't.

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