How To Choose A Role ModelWe often see stories of inspiring people and wonderful successes. Some of us put their pictures on our walls or clip notable quotes from...
LET THE NAY-SAYERS HELP YOU.Try looking into that other crowd, the 25% who are hoping you’ll fall on your face. How can they give you positive stress? By giving you...
Write Down the DirectionsOne of the first questions we ask our new coaching students is, “What are your goals?”. Without exception, every real estate agent has...
It's Possible, Not EasyAds tell you all the time that you can become a top producer. In days you can transform your real estate career. But this fantasy only...
The Path To GreatnessAs you progress towards greatness, you’re going to encounter setbacks. Don’t let them discourage you. Regard each setback as a valuable...
The Secret of My SuccessAs a street kid on the east side of Detroit I would never have imagined myself hauling out all the biblical quotes I’ve used throughout...
Floyd Wickman's Big BrotherMany years ago, when I was training director at a real estate company, I was approached by marketers to help sell tickets to see Zig...
Don't Let Old Frustrations Hold You BackSome people have allowed old frustrations to condition them to mediocrity. They allow these frustrations to defeat them long after the...