Plunge Right into Success!In a small town, there lived a street cleaner named Jake who was paid by the city to be out bright and early to sweep up last night’s...
Will You Have a Happy New?If you want to accomplish something over and above the ordinary, you’re going to have to work over and above the ordinary. Always be...
You've Got To Fix The ProblemI've learned that if there's a problem standing between you and greatness, you can't overcome it by fixing the blame. You've got to fix...
What Are You Doing?The historian and essayist Thomas Carlyle said: ''All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads and sows itself anew.'' If the work you...
Strategies For a Successful Real Estate Team1. Always provide a common goal. This is the first rule of building a team. There always must be a common goal. A lapse of even a week or...
You Can Be Good And Still Be MediocreBeing good at something is no assurance that you’ll rise above mediocrity. It depends upon what you’re good at. You must want to be good...
What Do You Want?If you want to achieve greatness, you have to know what you’re looking for. You won’t find it by wandering aimlessly though life waiting...
Success Starts In Your MindRemember that success in real estate sales starts in your mind. You will never achieve success until your mind is convinced that you are...
Who Are Your Friends?I chose a circle of friends who would encourage me to goof off. I ran with a street gang, and so I acquired the self-image of a gang...
A Poem I Learned From Zig ZiglarWhen I speak about making a commitment, I mean a full-hearted commitment. A full-hearted commitment is not the same thing as “giving it a...